
You ever wonder how some people seem to accomplish so much? 

My answer has always been, just focus on the work. 

I’m an idea man, but it’s my curiosity that brings them to life. That’s how I got . . .

A restaurant

A wine shop

Two books in print

A line of graphic tees

A graphic design business

Several wine labels

A bakery . . . 

And I’ve been working on something new. 

Gettin’ shit done? It starts with the uniform — a nod to Jobs for keeping decisions simple —  and then it’s full blast into the day’s tasks.

New technology and cool gadgets make my life easier, or at least more fun. Some of it I carry on me daily. Some are on hand for various occasional tasks, like my automatic risotto stirrer. You know you’ve found a game changer when you can make risotto and do anything else at the same time! 

Mack Mode is a collection of things that delight, excite and inspire my world.

It’s a newsletter where I share tech stuff, clothing, food, wine and whatever else is lighting me up, delivered weekly to your inbox for the price of a coke.

Are these tools and gadgets the secret to my success? Not really, but they do help the hustle, and they definitely make life more interesting. And we’re all about good eats and great wine! 

Sign-up for Mack Mode and find some cool shit that just might inspire you to do, be, and live better. 

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